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Envisioning your Future

"Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come."

-Jeremiah 33:3

When we stand with our purpose and believe in the endless possibilities, the impossible happens. The things that you never expected, come alive. God opens the doors in places that you’ve never imagined.

I was a Visual Merchandiser at a retail store for over seven years and throughout my time in that role, I used my creativity on a daily basis. As a Visual Merchandiser, I had to create different shops depending on the season & I had to coordinate colors & patterns for marketing purposes. I clearly remember always stepping back and visualizing what I wanted to create in the shops. I was gifted with the ability to visualize an idea and bring it to life whether if it is a birthday party, gathering, event, or a project. With that said, I don’t only use that ability when I am working on a project but I also use it when I’m given the chance to create my future. When I think about my future, I envision myself as a successful and professional, God-fearing, Latina woman and every time I say that, literally...An image of a woman walking down a hall in a black suit, high heels, and a suitcase comes to mind- LITERALLY.

Let me tell you about a goal I had in the Spring of 2015. In Spring of 2015, I decided to pursue my Bachelor degree in Organizational Psychology. A degree in Organizational Psychology can be used in any organization, specifically the Human Resources Department. After a whole year of praying about what program to pursue, I found that Org. Psych. program and fell in love with it. I started the program with the idea of pursuing a career in the HR department. The Org. Psych. program was two years long. Although I didn’t have HR experience, I decided to pursue it because it aligned with my purpose somehow.

The program was 2 years long and half a year before I ended the program, I was offered a role in the HR department at a corporate office. Then, I wanted to pursue the role as a Recruiter- I wanted to know what that was like. I then had to move to Riverside due to school and I landed on a Recruiter role in the HR department for a logistics company. While I was a Recruiter, I wanted to grow within the HR Department and be an HR Generalist. Then, I was offered the role of an HR Admin Generalist at a manufacturing company.

We've been given the authority to create our future through the decisions we take on a daily basis. How do you envision yourself to be in the next 3, 5 & 10 years? Educationally, professionally, spiritually, personally, & emotionally? Visualize it and take action. Ensure that every decision that you take leads you towards your ultimate goal. It is impossible to become someone if you’re not aiming for something- so, set your goals.

If you want to be in the Medical field, get yourself in a program to receive a certificate so you can work in the field and work your way up. ENVISION IT. If you want to start a daycare, take the necessary classes, permits, & start your daycare. ENVISION IT. If you want to raise your children to be successful citizens, invest in them so when they grow up & become responsible adults. ENVISION IT.

In order to envision your future, you must have the right foundation. First, you must understand that as an individual, you have one purpose to fulfill; with that said, your purpose won’t be exactly the same as your role model, friend, sister or brother, cousin, or mother or father but it will be that purpose God has given YOU. You've been given specific skills, abilities, and gifts. Next, you must understand that your purpose will only be revealed by your Creator, the God who formed you. Then, you must understand that you must seek God to know Him & know yourself. Once you understand the above, you will then have an idea of where you should head to.

Many times we find ourselves clueless and unsure of what we should pursue. I encourage you to be intentional in prayer & ask God specific question about who He is & who He created you to be. There is power when we seek God for answers and guidance to our purpose because He surely reveals it to us. Jeremiah 33:3 encourages us to call unto God so he can reveal to us many things we do not know. Ten years ago, I had no idea He was planning to place me in such a prestigious department and reveal through those roles what He wanted me to continue to pursue.

So, if you’re unsure of what’s next for you and what’s your purpose, I advise you to seek Him, know Him, & know yourself. Psalms 32:8 says, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye upon you. If for any reason you're still unsure, seek advise from others and ask them what do they see in you. Obviously, you can’t go ask just anyone because you WILL get random, off answers, lol. Proverbs 15:22 tells us,” Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers, they succeed.” So, if you need clarity into what’s next for you. Seek God & seek also the counsel of those wise people around you.

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