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 Elizabeth Menegazzo

Educational Background

Hartford University

 Master of Science in Organizational Psychology


I am already halfway done with Graduate school! It has not been an easy ride but, what is easy? As they say in spanish, "Lo bueno cuesta! ( The good always comes with a price! ). I am super excited to see what's next. I am thrilled to see my educational, professional, and personal goals accomplished by the end of this program. Here we go... in the name of Jesus!!

Concordia University University

Bachelor of Science in Organizational Psychology

May 2017

I always knew there was a reason behind the behavior and actions of individuals; so, I had to get the theory behind it. I decided to pursue my Bachelor degree in Organizational Psychology. I decided to major in OP because it is important that individuals are understood and taken care of no matter the setting.

El Camino College

 Associates of Science in Business Management

May 2015

I was very confused through out my college years. I wasn't sure where I wanted to head to. I then realized that no matter the ultimate outcome, I was going to end up in a business setting. Since I enjoy organizing and coordinating, I decided to pursue an Associates degree in Business Management. 

Texas University of Theology

Associates of Arts in Theology

July 2014

It is important to get educated in the secular world but also in the study of God. It it important for me to set a foundation as a believer. I was privileged to study Theology for two years at Texas University of Theology and plan to continue my theological studies in the future.

Professional Background

Human Resources Department

Five Years

For the last five years, I've been part of the Human Resources field. Getting into this field was not the easiest challenge but it has been the best decision I've made. 

Being an advocate for employees, the leadership team, and an organization has been my goal. This field is not for everyone, just as any field. But, the fact that I am aligned to my purpose and I am developing the necessary skills for each season God's steps me into is what drives me to walk through each season God places me in. 



Two Years

Being in banking was never an area I seen myself in but God knew I needed the professional development in order to get into the HR field. Serving this community was also challenging yet it developed me into the professional who walked in to her first HR role. 

Visual Merchandising

Seven Years


I was in the fashion and retail industry for 7 years. I loved this field but knew I was meant for greater things. 

Being in this field exposed me to creating fashionable displays for customer to shop in. It also gave me an eye for fashion. I've learned that in fashion, it is all about the details and finding the right pieces that suits your body the best. 

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