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The Importance of Training, Developing, and Believing in People

In order for us to flourish in life, we must seek constant growth in our lives- it must be a priority. Growth can be challenging, stressful, exhausting but it is also rewarding, liberating, and exciting. We must desire growth and prepare ourselves mentally and emotionally because growth comes with challenge. Unfortunately, everyone is not aware of this life principle perhaps because of the environment they grew up in, the lack of attention and guidance from parents, or the lack of mentorship.

Unfortunately, we live in a time where parents don't understand the importance in investing time in their children. Unfortunately, we live in a culture where individual’s self-esteem is constantly being attacked through the power of social media.

Perhaps you grew up in a setting where you were constantly encouraged, disciplined, and trained and you understand the process of growth. Perhaps you were given the opportunity to develop your skills and abilities at a young age in the Boys & Girls Club. Perhaps you didn't have the opportunity to develop your abilities because your acquaintances, friends, or family members belittled you to the point that you don’t think that have any abilities and skills.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself... I grew up in an environment where there was abuse and domestic violence and I had to survive emotionally and mentally- I had no time to think of what God had deposited within me. As I’ve mentioned before, I was the first generation born in the United States and my Mother was working long hours to provide for my family’s needs. I was such a rebel growing up- I was an undisciplined child who had the freedom and time to do as I pleased. I’ve always been such an adventurer by heart- so, imagine that… I wanted to try everything and anything and go everywhere and anywhere. As I analyze my childhood, I realize all I needed was love, attention, discipline, guidance, and support. I needed my Parents to guide me as a child as the Bible states in Proverbs 22:6.

At the age of 21, I decided to change my lifestyle. In order for me to change my lifestyle, I had to invest in my development as a person. God then placed the right people around me. Thankfully, I had influential people I looked up to; I had mentors who I reached out to for questions. I also decided to read the Bible to set my foundation as a Believer in order to understand who God was & what He had planned for my life. I also read psychology and spiritual books, I listened to Preachers & Psychologist on the radio which helped me understand life and helped me through my daily decision making process. I decided to invest in myself because I wanted to make the right decisions and take the appropriate approach to life situations.

I want to encourage you, my reader to train yourself, develop your skills, & believe in yourself but I also want to encourage all the Leaders from all organizations to TRAIN, DEVELOP, AND BELIEVE in people. We have a God who has amazing plans for his people but unfortunately, His people are UNAWARE of their skills, UNTRAINED, UNDEVELOPED, and NOT believed in. It is vital that an environment is created where people have the opportunity to grow and learn. If you don’t, then.. who will? Ultimately, we’ve been given the great commission in Mathew 28:19-20, which is to CREATE and TEACH the PEOPLE about the truth- God’s truth.

At last, it will benefit you because your organization will reap from what you’ve invested in them. So, invest in your people. Don’t minimize the importance of training, developing, and believing in your people. If they thank you & honor you, that’s awesome, right? But, if they don’t… it’s okay- at last, you were doing it for them but keep in mind that you were fulfilling your purpose in them- YOU gotta’ be purpose driven.

Keep in mind, training and development is not only given to children and youth because EVERYONE in need of a mentor. Our need of being trained, developed, and believed in doesn't change because of our status, position, amount of degrees we own, the social class we belong to, and our income… because at last, WE ALL NEED IT to be TRAINED, DEVELOPED, & BELIEVED IN.

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