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Finding Peace in Times of Confusion

Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand. John 13:7

Have you ever though of how confusing life is? Life is confusing. You hit moments in life where you don't know what to do. You are CLUELESS.

Often times we come to this moment in life because we want to know what God has next for us. We want to know to know it all!! I don't know about you, but I like to plan my life out and know what my next step is; I don't like to waste time making meaningless decisions. In the past, I've wasted so much time and failed because of the absence of God in my life and my decisions. Now, I am afraid of failing so I am careful of the decisions I take. The fear of failing has led me to seek God for counsel.

Today, I want to tell you… you’re not the only one who gets to this place in life. You're not! We must understand that when we seek God, God takes care of it all. Do you remember a time when God came through for you? Well, don't forget those moments when you prayed, prayed, and prayed and God answered your prayers. In this moment, or perhaps in the future when you come to a moment like this, remember that God knows what's He's doing and trust that He will guide you to the right decision. We must submit to God, ask for wisdom, and trust Him. Palms 32:8, “The Lord says, ‘I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you”.

When I think back at a major decision I've made, I've seen how God has been my guider. When I was choosing my school and program to start for my under grad degree, I had it all set up. I decided that I was going to give myself two years to start choosing a college. I then decided to reach out to several counselors from various schools. About a year in my search, I had already spoken to a counselor and had made my decision to major in Business. Although my decision was made, I didn’t feel at peace so I continued my search and continued to pray. Suddenly, God decided to switch my plans. I was led to inquire information for Concordia University Irvine. I spoke to the sweetest Admissions Counselor at Concordia University Irvine who introduced me to the perfect program. Once I spoke to the Admissions Counselor about my needs and desires, she introduced me right away to an Organizational Psychology program they have. I fell in love with the program, classes, and school. I never thought I would find such a perfect program for me. But, I prayed, asked God for guidance, and remained still and He came through! I praise God because I will be soon graduating with my under grad degree. I am so excited for such victory! God is AMAZING!! I see how important and beneficial this program has been for my personal and professional growth and it confirms me that I took the right decision.

Whenever you feel as if you're not being directed by God, don't worry... ask Him for peace and continue to seek Him while you wait for His answer. Believe His Word, believe that He will pour out His wisdom to your life so you can make the decisions He wants you to make for His glory. On a side note, have you realized that God is glorified with every good decision we take? Yes!! HIS NAME IS GLORIFIED. He is pleased when He knows we’re on the right track. "God renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to His name.” Psalms 23:3.

Lastly, remember when we face any adversity, we might not understand it all in the moment. But, when we seek God for understanding and purpose for the situation, God will surely reveal it to us. Now, I tell you what Jesus told Peter, “You don’t know now what I am doing but, you will understand later. John 13:7.I invite you to also have an open mind. Let’s not be stubborn and close our mind to one possibility because with God, anything is possible. I encourage you to let God speak to you, meditate in His Word, and be still. In matter of time, He will lead us to the correct decision.

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