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Guard Your Heart

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” -Proverbs 4:23

Have you ever seen someone who rarely smiles? Or a person who only speaks negatively about others all the time, and/or who is constantly angry and upset? Well, let me tell you the problem… that person definitely forgot to protect their precious heart.

Through out life, we will go through different stages and in every stage, God wants us to grow and mature. Life is difficult… life itself hurts. We go through moments where we do not understand why things happen. We tend to question God perhaps because we do not understand others, situations, and/our surroundings. The Bible says that we must guard our hearts because out of the heart, everything else flows out.

In times of trouble, it is easy to become angry, bitter, and upset in life or perhaps with God. In Proverbs 4:23, God tell us to guard our hearts. We must not let the situations in life harden our hearts but we must continue to have the kind, sweet, and loving heart that God has placed in us. Whenever we go through a difficult situation, we must call unto God because He promises us that He will help us in the times of trouble. He also reminds us in Psalms 50:15 that when we call unto to Him, through our battles, He will be honored and glorified. What does that mean? That He will show up in those times and pour His glory upon us.

You must ask, what is a practical way of handling life circumstances? Well, we must analyze what could we have done differently so we can handle the situation in an adequate manner. Perhaps we were the ones who caused the problem? Or, we could done something to avoid the problem? At the end, that is a conversation we can have with God and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we'll be able to have a clear understanding of what could of been done differently.

In this moment, I would like to place an emphasis on the protection we need to place in our hearts. Don’t let life circumstances turn you into a person God didn't call you to be. Whenever life takes us through difficult moments, remember not to harden your heart but ask God what is it that He is trying to teach us. Then, let’s learn to lean and trust in God that all things happen for our good.

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